#makingcomics #blog ...
Mission: Accomplished! I can't believe I finished a single page in a day. That's some kind of record. Finally, I can stop doing those black pages. Now onto page 20 of 28!
#makingcomics #blog ...
Mission: Accomplished! I can't believe I finished a single page in a day. That's some kind of record. Finally, I can stop doing those black pages. Now onto page 20 of 28!
#makingcomics #blog ...
I finished page 18 yesterday but I had to go get sunburned at Sunsplash and didn't have time to post it.
I'm hoping to finish page 19 today because it's a single page spread and it seems pretty easy but who knows.
#makingcomics #blog ...
Finished up page 17. It's late for me. Shouldn't of had all that Baja Blast.
#blog ...
Finished up page 16! Figured out my first issue is going to be 28 pages. That's a nice number. So ... 12 more to go! I have most of the pages (up to 23) rough drafted but .. beware! Animal Crossing has been released and time is not on my side!
#makingcomics ...
Finally finished page 15. I let myself get distracted with a bunch of things recently (like getting my website resetsurvivor.com finished) but, now I can concentrate on finishing this first issue.